Contact me
Volker Schreiner
The Gate Coder
Landshut, Germany
I Live in the Beautiful County of Cumbria, Northern England, full of sheep and Mountains...LIkes creating worlds, Border Collies, Motorcycles, Nature
Volker is a Mod Developers Dream Coding Member! What he cant do he sticks at it until he can, He has the Strong German work ethic built into his veins and he has a real passion for HL coding, Volker is Responsible for The wicked reactions of The Gate's enemy German Soldiers.. Making them quite possibly the Toughest enemy of any HL mod!
Andrew Hulatt
Modeler & Technical Help
Andrew or Migandi as more know him is a self obsessed HL Mapper! He hosts a very successful Website and also has just released a Mod called Riot in Progress that was 4 years in the making. Andrew was an essential part of The Gate Team and sorted shitloads of problems out with modeling, mapping and just about everything else! Hes a HL Veteran....
Bob Marsillio
Leading Male Voice Actor
United States
Bob was a Gem of a find, Living in the US and manager of his own successful building business he voice acts only for fun and in his spare time but he has all the quality of a Professional voice actor, indeed I have trialed many Voice actors online for The Gates lead roll and only Bob came any where near the quality needed for the roll... Hat off to the Yankee:)
Chris Kane
German Soldier Modeling
United States
Chris is a rare Breed, He is a One of the best modelers in the world, He is a Nut on World War 2 and wants nothing but the best for his models.. All his models were textured from acutal German garments actually owned by Chris, right down to the boots! He takes digital pics of them then wraps the texture around his models! Chris's models are without a doubt the highest Polyed models in ANY HL mod ANYWHERE! (only the best for The Gate)
Dave is a Master of 2D art, and this guy knows more about Paint Shop Pro programs than the Queen knows about Crowns.. Dave was a late member of The Gate Team and was the man who created the new Gate logo which can be seen on the home page. His Work is both Eye Catching and professional
Lynsey was a late member of The Gate team and plays the Women General at the start of the game, Like her father ‘Bob' she is a keen amature voice actor but with professional quality and flair...
Dave Sewerside
2D Graphics & Logo's
Lynsey Marsillio
Voice Actor
United States
Philip Unger
Modeler & Voice Actor
Frank Krennstetter
Voice of Adolf Hitler
From the outset there was the only man who could play Adolf Hitler and it was the Austrian Born German Frank! He also has the insanity to play old Adolf with passion and flair and pulls off a un-canny performance of the fuehrer..
Phillip is from Austria and speaks both English and German to a high standard! He played many parts in The Gate and really showed that he has a natural talent to voice-act with belief and feeling.. He also is a keen modeler and modeled Martina's main character Anna Kessler..
Neil Manke
Technical Support
Owner of ‘Black Widow Games” & Creator of They Hunger, The hit Half-Life 1 game that became the benchmark and level for every other mod to be judged by Since!
C J Beattie
Project Director
Web Creator]